Tired Of Feeling Drained?
Do You Want To Reclaim JOY?
You Can LIVE, LEAD, and LOVE from a heart overflowing with abundance.
LEAD-HER Ministries serves to inspire and empower women who ache for something more.
Do you struggle with the confidence to remain sure and steady in your destiny?
Are you seeking the 'next' in life but confused and unsure about what that looks like?
Misty Hughes is the coach to help you
She will empower and encourage you to celebrate your wins and the progress you are making.
She has an individual coaching or group coaching package that is right for you.
Misty Hughes
Mom Mentor, Gratitude Guide, Celebration Coach, Speaker, Author
Misty Hughes empowers and educates women throughout the world as the CEO of Lead-Her Ministries, LLC, and host of Mom2Mom Mentoring Podcast. She partners with women who are ready to DISCOVER, DEFINE, and DEVELOP the leader within. Misty believes that every woman is called and created for leadership and teaches them to develop in self-leadership, mature as a leader of her family, and excel in her other spheres of influence.

Brandis Lynn Phelan
Misty has been such an instrumental coach for me! Working with her has enabled me to create a clear vision, mission, and direction for my business. Her gentleness, kindness, and connection to God allowed me to be vulnerable. Her questions and listening enabled me to break through so many barriers and I am on my way to becoming the leader that God meant for me to be!

Viola Jackson
I’ve known Misty Hughes as a leader, mentor & friend for about 15 years. As a coach, I experienced her natural gift & skill at listening & asking questions that allowed me to go beyond the surface & into the heart of a matter. I’m grateful for the many women, and therefore families, that will be impacted through Misty’s unique & special style of communication & relationship. Her passion for ministering God's heart to women will help you discover what makes you exceptional so you can maximize your unique potential.

Contact Misty
Lead-Her Ministries is designed to help you discover, define, and develop your inner leader. I will walk alongside you as you move forward on the unique path of your personal journey. Contact me today by completing the form below. I look forward to discussing your next steps.